Thursday night was the last set of classes of 2012, and in ballet that could only mean one thing ....... VOCAB QUIZ!!!!!
This is where the two for one nature of Thursday night ballet is put to the test and we all compete for the coveted "ballet vocab champion" title.
Cue accelerating pulse rates, sweaty palms and numerous cases of serious exam nerves - I'm not kidding, rescue remedy was definitely being swigged by some like it was the elixir of life! I may have survived finals but this was on a whole other level - especially due to a distinct lack of revision.
Last minute cramming definitely did not help the situation either with @MlleGinger doing a heads-shoulders-knees-and-toes inspired description of the grand battement exercise and certain members of the class giving certain other members erroneous answers. Thus when it reached the last twenty minutes of class and it was time to begin the quiz, emotions were definitely running high.
The standard was very high (clearly we've improved from last year or people were cheating hmmm) but there reached a very tense tie between @Trixiecantswim and @DelphiRose97 who both got 19/20 (and they call me the geek - talk about the kettle calling the pot black). Obviously their costa study sesh paid off.
Thus they had to have an all-out spelling battle, with @DelphiRose97 eventually stealing the title back from @TrixiCantCwim (the winner last year) by correctly spelling: rond de jambe en dehors. It must be due to her extreme youth (younger = less wisdom = more space available for remembering french).
Ah well now we've got a whole year to prepare for the next one.
1. Plié = Bend on two legs
2. Fondu: Bend on one leg (to melt)
3. Tendu: To Stretch
4. Glissé: To glide the leg along the floor just coming off slightly at the end
5. Port de bras: Carriage of the arms
6. Rond de Jambe: Round of the leg
7. En Dehors: Away from the body
8. Derrier: To the rear
9. En l'air: In the air
10. Sauté: A jump in first position that stays in first position
11. Changemont: A jump in third position in which the feet swap
12. De côté: To the side
13. Premier: First
14. deuxième: Second
15. Demi Bras: Flower Arms
16. Allegro: A jumping exercise
17. Cloche: As a bell (swinging the between front and back)
18. Bras Bar: Arms Low
19. Petit: Small
20. Devant: In front
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