True Story

"There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them" Vicki Baum

Friday, 23 November 2012

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end .....

..... and so does every waacking freestyle.

At least it does in theory, but that does require being able to move your feet/legs at least as well as you can move your arms - and sometimes at the same time!! Goodness gracious me that is a big ask and it was apparently the aim of this weeks class .... well nobody said we don't like challenges or that the pro @MlleGinger is not a hard task master! 

To stroke our egos a bit before we broke them down with the masses of amounts of coordination needed for the rest of the class we started with hugging ourselves. You'd think this was something that was relatively easy - i mean we hug other people all the time so why not ourselves?!?!?! But no, whilst it is easy to get the action right, it's not so easy to get it right exactly and so the genteel introduction was not so genteel after all but rather a more apt indication of what was to come for the rest of the hour! 

And so came the claiming the floor part of the evening. It is not enough to just move across the space, you must move across the space like you are in reality the Queen of Sheba - in other words you've got to OWN IT. This is not the most Richmond of behaviours but the finger-snapping action rights it gives you are so worth it and....... if you really can't handle it you can always resort to acting like a crab (@Katymillslondon) because after all cantering around and cussing like a crustacean is FIERCE. 

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