True Story

"There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them" Vicki Baum

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Snaps for Mademoiselle Ginger

Having spent the afternoon watching Legally Blonde 2 on sky, I have decided that we need to get our own 'snap cup' at Dance Station. Until I can arrange for a physical affirmation-providing beverage holder to be delivered, we'll do it digitally and the first round of snaps go to Mademoiselle Ginger for her epic win last night. Quite honestly if you weren't there I am ashamed, but sometimes people feel it necessary to pretend that they've got better things to do so for your benefit and for inspirational purposes watch the winning moves below. As the clocks go back this evening you've got a whole extra hour to kill, I highly recommend watching these videos on repeat - it's a much better use of time than sleeping and you will be helping to keep coffee providers in business. 

So here you are: SNAP SNAP SNAP (incidentally I'm going to suggest to supermalcom that we shout this out next year to indicate who we want to win rather than whatever it was we were supposed to be shouting as I never did work it out and was rather just making indeterminate sounds .... even though they still had the desired effect.) 

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